You are welcome valued customer

Wellness&beauty partners with 

Forever Living Products to bring about solution that pertains to your total wellbeing and how to maintain the ever sweet sixteen look through plants based products.

Why Choose Us?

 In a world where technology has created lots of job opportunities and problems to solve. In quest to meet up demands, people unconsciously neglect their health. Wellness&beauty has taken the bold step to merge the gap by partnering with forever living products to provide health and beauty services  through supplements and harmless cosmetics gotten from the best plants with 100% guaranteed flexibility because  these products are handy and could be carried along all day without stress because we care about you.

We also give equal opportunity to everyone to own a business and earn as much as they desire.

Who are you?

Scholar Dike,


I am a wellness and beauty consultant. I love natural remedies, I love it when you glow naturally and live out nature.



Apata Street Shomolu, Lagos, Nigeria

Business hours

Monday Friday

9am 5pm


9am 2pm

